05 nov Alzheimer Europe o Dnevnom centru za obolele od demencije na Novom Beogradu
Alzheimer Europe je objavio članak o Dnevnom centru za obolele od demencije na Novom Beogradu. Ispod originalnog teksta na engleskom, možete pročitati i prevod na srpski.
New centre for people with dementia opens in Belgrade
The Serbian Society for Alzheimer’s disease was founded in 2020 by doctors, social workers and carers. In Serbia, the patients, after receiving therapy, are being left to fend for themselves. Family members, often only one person, take care of them. That is why the Society launched a pilot project earlier this year – a centre for people with dementia – in cooperation with the Amity Association and under the auspices of the Serbian Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography.
Currently, the Centre is open only on Thursdays from 4 pm to 7 pm. The hope, however, is that it will continue to work next year with a constantly increasing number of hours and days. The organisers are aware that to provide adequate help, it is necessary for the centre to work continuously. This is only the first step, but it has proven to be very successful already.
Activities in the centre are carried out by a social worker and a team of volunteers. A retired professor of music is constantly present, helping with one of the favourite activities in the Centre – singing and members of the local choir of the elderly are often guests at the centre. Ladies from a knitters’ association organise handicrafts, and dementia centre users also enjoy bowling. The staff will be joined by a social worker with several years of experience in caring for older people, who is also a certified yoga instructor. Another social worker, the president of the board, runs the chat rooms.
All these activities, but also socialising with other people, the joy of creating and a sense of usefulness, mean that the users of the centre think of Thursdays as a special day of the week. Within the centre, carers have the opportunity to meet and share experiences. In addition, they can seek the advice of a medical specialist and a social worker. Good results mean that the centre will continue to work and although there is a long road ahead, the staff are ready to keep walking!
Izvor: Alzheimer Europe
- Alzheimer Europe je izvestio i o formiranju Srpskog udruženja za Alchajmerovu bolest: Vest o Srpskom udruženju za Alchajmerovu bolest u Alzheimer Europe
Otvoren novi centar za osobe sa demencijom u Beogradu
(prevod vesti)
Srpsko društvo za Alchajmerovu bolest osnovali su lekari, socijalni radnici i negovatelji 2020. godine. U Srbiji su pacijenti, nakon dobijene terapije, prepušteni sami sebi. O njima se brinu članovi porodice, često samo jedna osoba. Zato je Društvo ranije ove godine pokrenulo pilot projekat: Centar za osobe sa demencijom u saradnji sa Udruženjem Amity i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva za brigu o porodici i demografiju Srbije.
Trenutno je Centar otvoren samo četvrtkom od 16 do 19 sati. postoji, međutim, nada da će centar nastaviti sa radom i sledeće godine sa sve većim brojem sati i dana. Organizatori su svesni da smo da je potrebno da potrebno da centar radi stalno kako bi se pružila adekvatna pomoć. Ovo je tek prvi korak, ali se pokazao kao vrlo uspešan.
Aktivnosti u Centru sprovode socijalni radnik i tim volontera. Profesor muzike u penziji je stalno prisutan, pomaže u jednoj od omiljenih aktivnosti u Centru – pevanju, a članovi lokalnog hora za starije osobe su česti gosti u centru. Dame iz udruženja pletilja organizuju ručne radove, a korisnici centra takođe uživaju u kuglanju. Timu če se pridružitisocijalna radnica s višegodišnjim iskustvom u brizi o starijim osobama, koja je i ovlašćena instruktorka joge. Još jedan socijalni radnik, predsednica odbora, vodi pričaonice.
Sve ove aktivnosti, ali i druženje s drugima, radost stvaranja i osećaj korisnosti, dovode do toga da korisnici Centra pamte četvrtak kao svoj poseban dan u sedmici. U okviru Centra, negovatelji imaju priliku da se upoznaju i razmene iskustva. Pored toga, mogu da potraže savet lekara-specijaliste i socijalnog radnika. Dobri rezultati znače da će Centar nastaviti sa radom, a iako je dug put pred njima, članovi tima su spremni da nastave da koračaju!